Aged Care Facilities: You may be dealing with families of people entering care who need guidance around their options.
Most part-Pensioners we come across have incorrect Asset/Income details with Centrelink which can significantly impact their Aged Care fees. There is also considerable stress around affordability of care, impact on Financial situation and making sure all the forms are filled out correctly with POA’s, Reference Codes etc.
Aged Care Facilities will ensure:
- Accurate and timely completion of the Combined Assets and Income Assessment
form (SA457) and an estimate of means-tested fee which will minimise your
administration complexity. - Ability to work with the adviser to determine if the resident might be low means so you can offer the right room to the right resident.
- Accredited advisers can help clients to manage and maximise cash flow, which
may help the residents to afford additional services.
It ensures there are no surprises and they have a single source of contact for anything related to their financial situation.